Hello gentle Desker. Now don't be alarmed, the state of my desk is real time.
Real work in progress! I started last evening by clearing up a bit, and then had an idea for the monthly ATC I swap with Karen. Her choice of theme this month was ' Vintage Lady'. You can just see her ATC poking out from under the ink pad at right; I was so surprised at the speed of its arrival that I felt the need to not put off what can be done today.... Mr Dunnit has gone to the East for the day (Kent!) and had an early start so I did too and here we are. You can't tell, but I've just stamped the big foliage stamp in white onto the layered papers of the ATC and I've embossed it with clear powder. I'll photo it more closely in a minute because it made a really nice but not white image on the printed papers!That's some strange chemistry between ink pad and paper, huh!
The creme egg box still contains receipts but the sales have slowed now so am not so worried about keeping track of the delivery receipts, so who knows, I may ditch the box. Free up a couple of square inches, huh!
I don't know if you can see, at far right there's a bunch of foil shapes. They are my Kathy's work, she sent me a bunch of foiled balloon dog images and I'm over them enough to have cut them out and think about using them. Probably on scrapbook pages though because I may not be over them enough to give them away on cards...we'll see how the muse strikes. Now, I've really got to go and start my day properly, coffee and some chores before I can come back to the desk.
Join us over at Sarah's for a list of desks, links and to join in yourself. That would be grand!